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St. Patrick's Senior National School, Corduff, Dublin 15

News - 3rd Class

2022/2023 School Year

26th Jun 2023
3rd Class had a great time visiting Navan Adventure Centre and the National Concert...
26th Jun 2023
Last Friday, the 3rd and 4th classes had their Sports Day. Ms O'Connor's class really...
14th Jun 2023
Our class were lucky to go on two nature walks with Patrick Hunt this month. The...
13th Jun 2023
Ms McGowans class are taking part in an egg hatching programme. the class received...
13th Jun 2023
On Monday of Wellbeing Week, Ms O'Connor's class made friendship bracelets for each...
12th Jun 2023
This week our after school clubs are coming to an end. We had so much fun in cooking...
12th Jun 2023
There are 15 days left in the school year and in Ms O'Connor's class we are going...
8th Jun 2023
Ms O'Connor's class had great fun playing with the parachute during their PE lessons...
11th May 2023
Ms McGowan’s 3rd class have joined Ms Daly’s 6th class for paired...
28th Apr 2023
As part of Active Schools Week, we learned how to check our heart rate. We did various...