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St. Patrick's Senior National School, Corduff, Dublin 15

News - 3rd Class

2021/2022 School Year

14th Jun 2022
There has been an unbelievable response to the cake sale this morning. Come on down...
31st May 2022
Mr. D O’Flynn arranged for all of 3rd class to go to a STEM session- creating...
30th May 2022
We were so delighted to have our first ever violin recitals this week as part of...
27th May 2022
Congratulations to this week's students of the week! 3rd Class Ms. Burns: Kareem...
20th May 2022
Here's what our teachers had to say about this week's students of the week. 3rd...
4th May 2022
As part of Active Schools Week, our class studied how much sugar there are in some...
3rd May 2022
Ms. McGowan's 3rd class are so excited to begin using the Chromebooks this month....
8th Apr 2022
For History, we've been learning about famous people from the past. We learned alot...
8th Apr 2022
Our class have been learning all about the continents for Geography. We then created...
7th Apr 2022
The children in Ms. Burns’ class made Easter bunnies using paint, pencils and...