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St. Patrick's Senior National School, Corduff, Dublin 15

Active Schools


The Active School's Flag was awarded to our school in 2016. The Active School's Flag is awarded to schools that strive to achieve a physically educated and physically active school community. The process aims to get more schools, more active, more often. The areas which our school worked on were getting more children involved in physical activities in the form of Busy Breaks and the opening of our Slí na Sláinte at break time. At a wider community level, we set up our annual Fun Run which the whole school, past pupils and parents partake in. We are very proud of our Active Flag as it recognises all of the hard work we put into physical education in St. Patrick's SNS, Corduff.

27th Jun 2024
Tyrrelstown GAA concluded their 8-training GAA program with the 4th & 5th class...
18th Jun 2024
Here are some photos from this year’s Colour Run, in Corduff Park
16th May 2024
This week, all classes have taken part in extra PE activities. The focus has been...